Okay so let’s say we have an string like this:
2.298, 2.283, 2.281, 2.397, 2.396, 2.270, 2.384, 2.262, 2.255, 2.246, 2.299, 2.292, 2.285, 2.282, 2.275, 2.386, 2.383, 2.379, 2.376, 2.248, 2.276, 2.263, 2.241, 2.481, 2.237, 2.353, 2.351, 2.346, 2.211, 2.321, 2.300, 2.272, 2.249, 2.364, 2.363, 2.362, 2.476, 2.228, 2.338, 2.330, 2.209, 2.253, 2.422, 2.421, 2.420, 2.469, 2.306, 2.403, 2.406, 2.442, 2.274, 2.271, 2.267, 2.258, 2.252, 2.229, 2.347, 2.345, 2.340, 2.367, 2.332, 2.373, 2.393, 2.382, 2.375, 2.398, 2.284, 2.269, 2.251, 2.268, 2.291, 2.287, 2.483, 2.450, 2.474, 2.377, 2.309, 2.254, 2.293,
Looks nice so now i want to randomize the positions of the numbers also would be nice to remove duplicates. For removing duplicates we will use set interface. To be more precise HashSet as it should work with our data.
Okay so first lets add and assign the given string to variable data of type String. I kind of overcomplicate this simple thing a bit but it still works.
So first i have in my constructor two variables. Also class is called simple and when you instantiate it you need to specify the string in our case my test string.
private String data; private List<String> tempList;Simple(String data){ this.data = data; this.tempList = Arrays.asList(data.split("\\s*,\\s*")); removeDuplicates(); }
Arrays as List will converted spited string into data and every coma will be treated as the split factor.
Then i calling a method removeDuplicates which is a trick to just convert the list into list with no duplicates
this.tempList = new ArrayList<>(new HashSet<>(tempList));
Now tempList holding an array which is distinct.
Now im using another nice method shuffleData which is just an one of the method from Collection class.
public void shuffleData(){ Collections.shuffle(this.tempList); addToClipboard(listToString(this.tempList)); }
In there two small methods one will overite current clipboard another will convert tempList to nice fancy String that clipboard will tolerate.
So first convert the List with our data to the String
private String listToString(List<String> a){ String preFinalOutput = "" + a; return preFinalOutput.substring(1,preFinalOutput.length()-1); }
Then lets take a look at the clipboard funcionality
public void addToClipboard(String text){ StringSelection selection = new StringSelection(text); Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); clipboard.setContents(selection, selection); }
And at the end the main method that’s just printing data and shuffle it as well on demand.
public static void main(String[] args){ Simple simple = new Simple("2.298, 2.283........"); System.out.println("Before: " + simple.getTempList().size()); simple.shuffleData(); System.out.println("After: "+ simple.getTempList().size()); }